The Student News Site of Crown Point High School

Crown Town Media

The Student News Site of Crown Point High School

Crown Town Media

The Student News Site of Crown Point High School

Crown Town Media

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Gap Year Pro/Con

Gap Year Pro/Con

Pro: Gap Years Provide Better Life Experiences and Education for Students 

Done the right way, a gap year can help a young adult find their path in life and gain experiences that would never be possible otherwise.
A gap year can help immerse one in a completely different and new culture, and will thus create an integral understanding of other people that crafts a more empathetic individual. Additionally, gap years give young adults the proper amount of time to gain work experience and discover what they want to do with the rest of their lives.
A gap year can help one achieve understanding that can only be gained through experience. A gap year can be a tough decision, but the answer is clear when considering the joy and success that come from this time off.


Con: Gap Years Create More Problems for Students in the Long Run 

While gap years may seem beneficial on the surface, there are many negative consequences to this seemingly harmless post-secondary plan. Gap years seem like an easy way to take a break from the stressors of education. However, by stepping away academically for an entire year, your performance rate could decrease when you decide to enroll in school. We see what happens when we go on summer vacation for 3 months; now imagine having to relearn everything after an entire year.
Taking a gap year can also trap someone in a cycle of unproductivity. While it may seem appealing on the surface, a gap year is simply not the ideal approach to having free time between your educational plans.

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About the Contributors
Avery Moore
Avery Moore is a sophomore at Crown Point High School and a new addition to the Inklings staff. After taking the Journalism class as a freshman and helping with an occasional publication, she is now an official feature writer for the Inklings staff. When she is not writing for the newspaper, she is either running for the cross-country team or debating with the school’s Speech and Debate team. In college, she plans on majoring in Economics and Philosophy, and later going to law school.
Ashley Johnson
Ashley Johnson is a junior at Crown Point High School. She took beginning journalism last year, and this is her first year on the Inklings staff. She likes writing and would love to write for a news website in college. After high school, she wants to go to Notre Dame and become a dermatologist. When she is not writing for Inklings, she is usually practicing with the band or working at Strack and Van Til.
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