Jeremy Walker has been elected to a four-year term on the Board of Governors of the American Classical League. His duties will include attending board meetings virtually or in person every other month to serve as at-large board member focused on the development and implementation of a new strategic plan for the organization.
He has also been appointed as the Chair of the ACL Technology Committee. In this role he will meet virtually each month with the committee to identify and review technology resources available to members as well as to provide technological support during meetings of the organization.
The American Classical League, founded in 1919, celebrates, supports, and advances the teaching and learning of the Greek and Latin languages, literatures, and cultures, and their timeless relevance. The American Classical League serves as the professional association for teachers of Greek and Latin at the K-12 levels as well as those at the collegiate level.
Mr. Walker has taught for 29 years at Crown Point High School in Crown Point, Indiana, primarily as a Latin teacher and the Online and Blended Learning Specialist.
Mr. Walker has been an in-demand speaker at conferences around the country, sharing his expertise in inspiring students and helping teachers embrace technology in their classroom.
Mr. Walker served as State Chair for the Indiana Junior Classical League for 16 years, serving as a leader for the teachers in the state and providing leadership experience for students throughout the state. He also served ten years as Public Relations and Membership Chair for the National Junior Classical League, a youth organization with over 20,000 members world-wide.
For more information, contact Sherwin Little, Executive Director, American Classical League.