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Rosemary Coronado

As a sophomore, she is already an avid participant in many extracurricular activities
Rosemary Coronado

Students of CPHS are introduced to the chance to participate and be a part of different extracurriculars, whether that be clubs or sports. Rosemary Coronado (10) admires the variety of co-curricular activities CPHS offers to its students.

“My favorite thing about being a student at CPHS is that there are so many opportunities to make friends and meet new people through the many extracurriculars we have here. I have made many friends through the clubs I’m in,” Coronado said.

Coronado balances her life as an honors student with the multiple clubs she is involved in.

“I am a part of Choir, Student Council, and Theatre. I serve as the Sophomore Class President in Student Council. I handle my honors classes while being in multiple clubs by making sure I turn assignments in on time and prioritizing my studying for classes above anything else,” Coronado said.

Coronado does not have time to explore many other interests as a result of her involvement in Choir, Student Council, and Theatre.

“I do a lot of homework and extracurriculars like previously mentioned, so I don’t have much time for things outside of school,” Coronado said.

Even with her time-consuming after-school activities, Coronado shares light with the people she does these activities with, her friends.

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