The Crown Point Speech and Debate Team competed at their first competition last Saturday at the Larry Stuber Debate Memorial Tournament at Valparaiso High School. The team left the competition with a strong start to the season, and they are ready to keep moving forward.
For the majority of the team, it was their first time competing against debaters from other schools. Because it was their first time, they were able to compete in the novice division of the tournament, allowing them a better chance at success. “I’m so happy our team did incredible and that we had so many fantastic speakers,” said freshman Sean Morris. “I’m excited to see where the rest of the season takes us.”
The team has been preparing for the start of the season since early September. Coaches Heidi Marek, Brooke Manhatton, Matthew Barno, and many varsity competitors have been helping new members learn the art of debate and public speaking. “This group of novices went up against some tough competition such as the legacy teams from Carmel, Munster, and West Lafayette at their first tournament,” head coach Heidi Marek said. “Placing in the top 8 in their first tournament against these teams shows that our team members have some excellent talent and determination. They will be able to make a stake against larger, more competitive teams.”
The placings at the tournament are as follows:
Novice Public Forum Debate – 2nd Place: Yiser Abdulhasan and Karam Erbini
Novice World Schools Debate – 2nd Place: Delaney Mansueto, Sean Morris, Ceilia Mae Querimit, Addison Spry, and John Van Sickle.
Novice Congressional Debate – 5th Place: Miles Warren
Novice Public Forum Debate – 8th Place: Christian Bender and Sebastian Mesa
The team is planning to continue its season competing in tournaments at Chesterton High School, Penn High School, Purdue Northwest, and many other locations. With novices placing high in their first competition of the season, only time will tell how they will do.
Saturday, Nov. 2, the team is competing at a tournament at Laporte where both novice and varsity competitors will be able to show off the skills they work so hard to attain and master.