Avery Krumwiede (10) is planning to go into trades and is currently taking a Precision Machining course. Electives like this can be beneficial for students to see what they are interested in pursuing.
“I decided to take Precision Machining because I knew I wanted to go into the trades. I also wanted to incorporate my skills from being in advanced placement most of my schooling years,” Krumwiede said. “Precision Machining allows me to have hands-on experience while also letting me use my math skills.”
This experience has been a positive and enlightening experience for Krumwiede. It is possible for people to discover their future career through high school electives.
“My favorite part about machining is actually being able to use skills I have learned in the class to create a product that can be used,” Krumwiede said.
This program has prepared students like Krumwiede for careers in a growing field that demands both skill and accuracy in every step of production.
“This class has impacted me really positively because it became something I want to go into after I graduate high school,” Krumwiede said.
Overall, Precision Machining has been an impactful elective for Krumwiede, giving her first-hand experience and knowledge on the expertise of machining.