Whether it’s in the background, or you press play before you hit the road, music surrounds all of us. However, for senior Ryan Whitaker music means more than just some lyrics that are being sung, it can unravel a deeper meaning within yourself and others.
With the choice between music therapy and psychology, Whitaker plans on studying psychology, it wasn’t until his internship at Addiction and Behavioral counseling that he really set in stone the idea of heading in that direction. He has had the ability to see someone going into psych and how the place functions in a real setting, not some Hollywood drama.
Although he has just recently set his heart out for psychology he has an idea of where to go for college. Loving the atmosphere of the city he plans to go to University of Illinois, Chicago, the environment just compliments him.
With a psychology degree there are so many different routes to go down, Whitaker plans on finishing with his masters. After he finds a job that is associated with his degree, his heart is still in music. Wanting to look for a local orchestra or even starting a quartet that could play live at weddings or other special events.
“Nothing compares to the presence of live music,” senior Ryan Whitaker said.