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Teacher Erin Rawls

A math teacher and club sponsor, Erin Rawls tries to make the best experience possible for her students
Teacher Erin Rawls

While math may not be everybody’s favorite subject, math teacher Erin Rawls tries to make the class enjoyable for students. Rawls teaches multiple math classes and is an active leader in various clubs.

“I am an Honors Algebra II teacher and a regular Algebra II teacher. I am a CASS leader to help create a safe school, and I am a Bulldog Mentor leader. Also, a new club that’s being started is the girls’ prayer club called Sisters in Christ,” Rawls said.

Rawls is an active member of the school due to her experience at CPHS and experience teaching.

“I came here 10 years ago because my kids were here. I was at Lake Central before this. I’ve been teaching a total of 26 years,” Rawls said.

Having been here for 10 years, Rawls has been able to befriend the other teachers and staff members at the school.

“I feel like everybody here works well together. All the teachers will support each other if they need it, and the administration will support us, too. It’s a great place to work and a great place to live,” Rawls said.

When leading her class, Rawls tries to make it a productive and engaged learning environment through her routine of starting class with a thinking task.

“I try to start with a thinking task to get people’s brains into math, and it’s usually us looking at what we’re doing for the day and trying to make connections. So maybe it’s something they understand with the new material,” Rawls said.

A beloved teacher by many, Rawls works hard to ensure students are successful and fully understand all concepts.

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