Underrated Clubs: Science Olympiad


Marianne Gerona

Science Olympiad is a club that competes with other schools in varying scientific events. First year team member Ariel Moore (10) speaks about the club.

“I’m in the events Environmental Chemistry and Rocks and Minerals. [For the former], you’ll go to a competition, get handed a packet, and try to answer as many questions as you can with your partner. For Rocks and Minerals, you identify what rock it is and answer some questions about it. It requires prior studying,” Moore said.

Team Captain Lucas Johnson (12) has been competing in Science Olympiad for years. Johnson has competed in both the high school and middle school levels.

“To remind everyone, four years ago the CP Science Olympiad team got dead last at state. The club basically didn’t exist until I took over as captain. To me, this unfortunate event was a growing pain of a soon to be successful Science Olympiad team,” Johnson said.

Johnson adds that the team this year has been attending harder invitationals than the previous years. Although, the team was withheld from attending an invitational at the University of Michigan.

“Three days before we were supposed to leave, we were told that the Transportation Department denied our trip request and that we couldn’t go. It really sucked. It was supposed to be a fun, overnight trip, and everyone was looking forward to it. I was honestly so defeated, and I’m sure everyone else was too, but I took it as an opportunity,” Johnson said. 

Nevertheless, the team was still successful, as they finished second at their Regional competition. Johnson has been proud of progress the club has made over his four years.

“Even though we couldn’t go to that invitational, the fact we’re now trying to go to these big invitationals signals that we’ll be a force to be reckoned with in the near future, especially with the captains that come after me because I know they’ll do a great job,” Johnson said.